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Planche 2010
New CTP: See for yourself
We've made the move. Now you can get a first taste of how Planche 2010 feels on Vista. To make Planche usable even before all its parts are complete, this release allows to open Fecht-Turnier and Engarde 8.x competitions. Download...
Planche 2010 on Windows Vista
With Planche 2010 Alpha 2 presented and available to testers, it turns out that Microsoft's upcoming operation system, Windows Vista, will bring along support for inductive user interfaces similar to those in Alpha 2. Initial tests with Windows Presentation Foundation technology have shown promising results, so that it will be considered moving to this new technology. For clubs such a move would signify that Windows XP or later will be required to run the Planche client software. Your opinion counts - so if you're interested in the Planche tournament software please let us know what operating system version your club is running and whether such a move would be okay with you.
Planche 2010 Alpha 2 officially launched
Planche 2010 Alpha 2 has been launched on March 11, 2006. Alpha 2 is the successor to Alpha 1 and the next Milestone release after Planche .NET 2004 Pre-Release 1. Following the launch event, the Alpha 2 CTP is now undergoing final packaging and can be expected anytime soon.
Get ready for Planche 2010 Alpha 2
Alpha 2 of Planche 2010 has been in the works for over a year now. Prepare to start testing this innovative piece of tournament software! Start by installing the Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0, available through Windows Update or Download Center.